Fertility, Pregnancy, Post-Partum

Nourish. Trust. Allow.


It has always seemed to me that the most fertile places are the most wild, the most free, the most vulnerable. I think of the rainforest, or the height of spring time, or even those warm summer nights filled with fireflies and heat lightening. They are the most natural and fulfilling (and fulfilled) places.

Prepare to be nourished, to embody this fertility in your own life and body. With all the tools available to us we can look at your whole life, your diet, habits, relationships, history (both physical and emotional). Heal what needs to be, nourish what asks to be and let go of what you no longer need.

Fertility treatment will support you in being the most vibrant and optimized version of yourself. In doing this we work with your hormones, your endocrine system and your body as a whole to clear stagnation, bring balance and nourish.


I can support you naturally and with assisted fertility treatments.

Pre-IVF treatments are recommended for 3-6 months before your transfer can help your body prepare for the procedure, optimizing the possibility of success. Scheduling IVF transfers (the day of the transfer before and after) is available. Some clinics offer this as an option or allow an acupuncturist to accompany you to your transfer and even provide a room for the pre and post treatment.

Whether you are looking to enhance fertility naturally or are using acupuncture as adjunct treatment to increase the success rates of IVF or IUI, pre-conception care will prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy & Birth

Pregnancy is the most natural thing in the world - it is also the biggest transition a human body can go through, except for birth and death. Supportive treatment during this time can help mitigate things like morning sickness, back pain, leg pain, swelling, and general discomfort. Some hospitals allow an acupuncturist to attend a mother during labor. I have supported women with delayed labor, pre-eclampsia, and for general support.

Post partum

Carrying the child, labor and birth are truly a miracle and the next journey is the one that lasts the longest, and offers the most: parenting. In addition to supporting you during your pregnancy and birth and a return to a state of balance and optimal, treatment can help with postpartum depression and anxiety, lactation and low milk supply, mastitis and clearing clogged ducts, persistent bleeding, night sweats, insomnia, and more. I will even hold your baby while you get a treatment if your are not able to find childcare. It was always so wonderful to be able to hold the baby I knew in the womb all the way through pregnancy while their mother rested during the treatment. What a gift!

All are welcome, including single parents, LGBTQ couples, coparents, surrogates and all the manifestations of family.

Why get treatment for fertility and pregnancy support?


Regulate the menstrual cycle

Address pre-existing medical conditions (PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids)

Improve sperm count and motility

Reduce stress and anxiety

Balance hormone and endocrine systems

Improve blood flow in the uterus and thicken lining

Decrease the chance of miscarriage

Increase the success rate of women undergoing IVF

Improve ovarian response to follicle-stimulating hormones

Lower FSH

Lengthen luteal phase (Luteal Phase defects)

Recurrent Miscarriage

Boosts fertility in cases of clotting factors or autoimmune response


What People Are Saying:

“Dafna got me pregnant. Well, that may be stretching it but I started out going to her for chronic back pain related to a rare central nervous system condition, and then stayed with her to reduce my anxiety level as I approached my wedding, and lo and behold, I kept on seeing her when my doctor told me I had fibroid tumors that couldn't be treated by medication. Since I was on the verge of my pregnancy journey with my soon-to-be husband, it was important that I work on that and so we did. Now, my back no longer aches, I made it through my wedding without imploding or killing my husband, and my pregnancy is going strong with some much smaller fibroids staying out of the way.

Dafna treated me with respect and compassion, listened to my concerns, and addressed them appropriately. She's part therapist and part ancient Chinese secret. She became a good friend and I looked forward to being her pin cushion each week because I knew I'd leave her in better shape than when I went in. She was knowledgeable and willing to share her big brain without condescension - only wisdom and reverence for what she does. I can't recommend her highly enough!”

— Erin D., San Marcos, CA.

“Here's my suggestion to you:
If you have an ailment - go to Dafna.
If you've never tried acupuncture because of ______ - go to Dafna.
If you want to be cared for by someone knowledgeable and professional and with great bedside manner - go to Dafna.
If you're pregnant - go to Dafna.

If you're 38 weeks pregnant, your water tears and you're not experiencing contractions and you don't want to be induced by a bunch of chemicals because you want to give your baby the best chances to have a blissful start regardless of what goes down in those 41 weeks - go to Dafna.

I guess what I'm saying is, if you want healing by someone with an arsenal of modalities, a compassionate heart and wish to get quantifiable results, go to Dafna Laurie - she's the real deal.”

— Sparkling T., Los Angles, CA.